Interviews & Books
Into the Heart of Devotion: Embodied Sacred Practice as a Path for Connection to the Divine
This interview is part of the Mystics Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit https://mysticssummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
From Survive to Thrive: Rooting in Positive Resource and Jewish Practices of Ancestor Reverence as a Path Toward Healing
This interview is part of the Ancestral Healing Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit https://ancestralhealingsummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Amidst the Blessing of the Ancestors: Rooting in Positive Resource
Presence as Prayer: Coming Home to the Temple of Our Bodies
This interview is part of the Mystics Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit https://mysticssummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Jewish Ancestral Healing: Transforming Collective Trauma & Rooting in Positive Resource
This interview was part of the 2019 Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event featuring some of the top experts, educators, and practitioners in the field. For more information, please visit ancestralhealingsummit.com. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
The Hebrew Priestess: Ancient and New Visions of Jewish Women’s Spiritual Leadership
by Jill Hammer & Taya Shere
It has been barely 40 years since rabbinical seminaries began ordaining women as rabbis. But women have played a role in Jewish religious leadership from the days of the Bible, and even before. Miriam the Prophetess and Deborah the Judge are just the two most prominent of these women, most of whose names are lost to history.
The Hebrew Priestess tells the stories of these women, often reading between the lines of the Bible and Talmud to rediscover the women that rabbinic editors tried to eras. It weaves together a careful examination of historical antecedents of these new priestesses, along with the personal experiences of women who embarked on this new path of Jewish priestesshood.
Ambitious, erudite, practical and deeply personal, The Hebrew Priestess offers a deep connection to Jewish history and to profound holy experiences today.
"The articulation of my dreams and longings." - Rabbi Shefa Gold
Siddur haKohanot: a Hebrew Priestess Prayerbook
"To be radical is to cross boundaries, yet also be rooted. To be original is to be fresh and new, yet also to return to our origins. May this radically original siddur be a blessing in all the worlds, may it inspire our souls for generation after generation, may it be a fitting tribute to the Divine Feminine portion of the One." - Alicia Ostriker
Siddur HaKohanot: A Hebrew Priestess Prayerbook is a Jewish prayerbook with a myriad of possibilities for connecting with the Source of Life, however you understand or experience Her. In Siddur HaKohanot, find creative and traditional Jewish rituals and prayers. Explore an earth-honoring, woman-honoring spirituality with deep roots in Jewish tradition. Siddur HaKohanot includes Shacharit, Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'arivah services that balance traditional liturgy and creative langague and readings.
Siddur HaKohanot primarily uses feminine-gendered Hebrew God-language and person-language. Masculine and gender-neutral language also appears. Names for Goddess/God change throughout the siddur as the prayers unfold. This reflections devotion to the Shechinah in Her many guises, and a commitment to the paths through which She is embodies. The siddur also reflects a deep spiritual connection to the four elements / four worlds of Jewish tradition. While Siddur HaKohanot most obviously appeals to women on an earth-centered path, it is created for people of all genders who wish to honor the Divine feminine.